
The desire for a different kind of wallet has guided me on a 17-year journey.  I set out to answer some of the great wallet questions of the universe. Front pocket? Back Pocket? MONEY CLIP? No wallet? WHAT DO I EVEN PUT IN MY WALLET?

I HAVE EXPERIENCED ALL the wallet challenges. I have forgotten my wallet at home, lost my wallet in the car, and of course, accidentally left it on a sales counter.  AND THEN, There is the wallet that I will never forget- The wallet that I lost as a kid. IT had 4 crisp one-dollar bills. I remember looking high and low for that little black bi-fold wallet, TO NO AVAIL. Losing that wallet had a long-lasting impact on me.

AND THEN, AFTER ALL OF THAT, I had the consistent problem of overstuffing my wallet. MY LIFE WAS HAUNTED BY receipts, business cards, and odd slips of seemingly important paper. I finally decided that I needed a wallet for only a few recurring purposes- ONE THaT ALLOWED ME TO Buy things, HAVE AN ID, and have A membership card or two.

The “Tethered Wallet” was an obvious solution.

I needed my wallet to constantly be with me, BUT BE OUT OF THE WAY. I needed a wallet that was always on duty and ready for action at a moments notice, AND I NEEDED A WALLET THAT WAS SECURE.

I tried many configurations during those 17 years. I PERFECTED THE WALLET. AND THEN I CAME UP WITH THE INDEPENDENT CLIP. IT revolutionized the “Tethered Wallet” once and for all. This new design, “a waistband clip,” simply attaches to a garment at the waist band.

My pursuit to solve the challenge of carrying my wallet, unencumbered when I was active and not wearing a belt, was now possible. Now all I had to do was attach my wallet to my waistband. I WAS FREE TO WEAR SHORTS, gym pants, and even a bathing suit. YES, IT CAN GET WET!

AFTER Having used a tethered wallet for seventeen years, I’ve never been pick-pocketed AND I’ve never left my wallet BEHIND. WHY? Because it IS ALWAYS tethered to me.

The Tethered Wallet is

MINIMALIST, WATER PROOF, secure, & convenient.